20 Top Walmart Statistics For 2025 (Revenue, Market Share, And More)

top walmart statistics

Walmart is one of the biggest retailers in the United States, and the statistics in this article also reveal them to be one of the biggest retailers in the entire world.

Walmart sells just about everything under the sun, including food, household products, electronics, clothing, jewelry, children’s toys, books and more.

Their ecommerce division even has a marketplace feature, which helps them remain competitive with eBay and Amazon.

In this post, we’ve listed the top Walmart statistics from reports published around the web.

Walmart statistics – Editor’s picks

Here are our picks for the top five Walmart statistics in this article:

  • Walmart generated $605.9 billion in net sales throughout fiscal year 2022. (Walmart’s Annual Report)
  • Walmart had 10,623 locations in 2022. (Walmart’s Annual Report)
  • Walmart’s primary website, Walmart.com, receives 382.1 million visits per month on average. (Similarweb)
  • On Google Play, Walmart’s shopping app has more than 50 million downloads. (Google Play1)
  • 51% of Walmart employees do not think they’re paid fairly by the company. (Indeed)

General Walmart statistics

1. Walmart serves more than 240 million customers every week

In Walmart’s annual financial report for 2023, which details Walmart’s finances for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2023, the company states they serve over 240 million Walmart customers who shop in stores and online in over 20 countries.

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Source: Walmart’s Annual Report for 2023

2. Walmart has a 6.3% market share in the retail ecommerce industry in the United States

Statista’s running data on the retail ecommerce industry in the United States reveals Walmart as being in second place with a market share of 6.3%.

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This puts them well behind Amazon, who has a market share of 37.8%, and ahead of Apple, eBay, Target and Home Depot, whose shares are 3.9%, 3.5%, 2.1% and 2.1% respectively.

Source: Statista1

3. The number of Walmart stores around the world amounted to 10,623 locations in 2022

According to Walmart’s annual financial report for 2023, there were 10,623 Walmart stores around the world by the fiscal year ending January 31, 2023.

There are 5,317 Walmart stores in the United States in 2022.

The number of Walmart international stores amounted to 5,306 in 2022.

They’re located in various regions around the world, including Africa, Central America, Canada, China and India.

There are no Walmart stores in Europe, Australia, the Middle East and most of Asia.

To be clear, a “Walmart store” can mean one of three location types: a Walmart Supercenter, a Walmart Discount Store, a Walmart Neighborhood Market or a Sam’s Club.

Here are brief descriptions of each:

  • Walmart Supercenter | 3,572 Locations in the United States | Average square feet of 178,000 – Walmart’s largest department store. Departments include grocery, clothing, electronics, household essentials, a pharmacy, a garden center, an auto shop and more.
  • Walmart Discount Store | 364 Locations | 105,000 Sq. Ft. – Focused on rural areas and offers general merchandise.
  • Walmart Neighborhood Market | 781 Locations | 42,000 Sq. Ft. – Offers groceries, household essentials and a pharmacy.
  • Sam’s Club | 600 Locations – A member’s only wholesale store that sells grocery merchandise in bulk.
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Texas has the most Walmart locations at 601. Most states have 220 or less.

Excluding Washington, D.C., which has five Walmart locations, Vermont has the fewest number of Walmart stores with just six.

Mexico has the highest number of Walmart locations internationally at 2,862.

Source: Walmart’s Annual Report for 2023

Usage-related Walmart statistics

4. Walmart.com receives 382.1 million visits per month on average

According to traffic data collected by Similarweb over a three-month period, Walmart.com receives 382.1 million visits per month on average.

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This puts them in the third-place position on Similarweb’s list of top websites in the Ecommerce and Shopping category in the United States.

The site’s bounce rate is 51.88%, and most visitors stay on the site for 4 minutes and 40 seconds, visiting an average number of 4.89 pages during that time.

Source: Similarweb

5. The Walmart app has more than 50 million downloads on Google Play

According to metrics from the Google Play store, the Walmart app has over 50 million downloads and a 4.7-star rating out of over 3.52 million reviews.

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In comparison, Target, one of Walmart’s biggest competitors, has over 10 million downloads and a 4-star rating out of 291,000 reviews.

Walmart is ranked #28 among all free apps.

The retailer’s biggest competitors are Temu and Shein, who hold the #1 and #2 positions respectively.

They beat Amazon Shopping by two positions on Google Play.

Source: Google Play1, Google Play2

6. Walmart is ranked #5 in shopping on The App Store

The App Store’s metrics for the Walmart app puts the retailer in the fifth position in the Shopping category.

06 the app store walmart

Target floats between the 10th and 12th positions for comparison’s sake.

Walmart 4.8-star rating out of 8.5 million reviews.

Target has a 4.9-star rating out of 5.1 million reviews.

Walmart’s competitors in the Shopping category are breakout app Temu, Shein, Amazon Shopping and Shop by Shopify.

The retailer is ranked #33 among all free apps on The App Store.

It should be noted these metrics are taken from the U.S. edition of The App Store.

Source: The App Store1, The App Store2

Revenue-based Walmart statistics

7. Retail contributes $3.9 trillion to the United States GDP annually

According to a statistic cited by a survey published by the National Retail Federation (NRF) in 2022, the retail industry, which Walmart is a major part of, contributes $3.9 trillion to the United States’ gross domestic product (GDP) annually.

It’s also one of America’s biggest employers, making up one in four jobs around the country.

Source: National Retail Federation Survey

8. Walmart is the leading retailer in the world with a revenue of $572.75 billion in 2021 alone

Statista’s data reveals Walmart as being the leading retailer in the world.

In 2021, Walmart’s annual revenue was $572.75 billion whereas Amazon, who came in second, generated $239.15 billion in revenue.

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Even 2022’s financial reports reveal Walmart as being ahead of Amazon with an annual revenue of $611.3 billion versus Amazon’s $514 billion.

However, these numbers prove the online retailer is catching up with Walmart at a rapid pace.

The company is also ahead of direct competitors Costco, Kroger, Aldi and Target.

Source: Statista2, Zippia1, Zippia2

9. Walmart accrued $605.9 billion in net sales in 2022

While Walmart’s total revenue from 2022 was $611.3 billion, $605.9 billion of that revenue came from Walmart’s sales alone.

This was a 6.7% increase from 2021’s net sales of $567.8 billion.

The company’s U.S. division represented 67% of all Walmart sales, or $420.6 billion.

Source: Walmart’s Annual Report for 2023

10. Walmart came in fourth for ecommerce sales in 2021

Statista’s data reveals Walmart as being fourth on a list of companies with the highest number of ecommerce sales.

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Walmart’s sales amounted to $46.4 billion in 2021, less than Amazon at $131 billion, JD at $118.5 billion and Apple at $51.9 billion.

It’s important to note that, according to Walmart’s annual report for 2023, the company defines “ecommerce sales” as “sales initiated by customers digitally and fulfilled by a number of methods.”

With that said, along with shopping in person inside of Walmart Supercenters, Walmart Discount Stores and Walmart Neighborhood Markets, Walmart shoppers are able to have most items shipped.

They can also shop for groceries online and arrange for curbside pickup or grocery delivery.

Source: Statista3, Walmart’s Annual Report for 2023

Walmart employment statistics

11. Only 49% of Walmart employees think they’re paid fairly by the company

This data comes from over 456,000 ratings from Walmart employees on Indeed.

The company has a 3.4-star rating on the platform.

Source: Indeed

12. The average hourly rate of a Walmart Cashier is $11.81/hour

According to data uncovered by more than 3,400 salaries posted to Indeed by real Walmart employees, the average hourly rate of a Walmart cashier is $11.81/hour, which is 6% below the national average.

This is the average hourly rate of an employee in this position.

Nationally, the range extends from as low as $7.25/hour (the minimum wage requirement in the United States) to as high as $21.55/hour.

Source: Indeed

13. The average salary of a General Manager at Walmart is estimated to be $77,661/year

This data only comes from six job profiles on Indeed, so it may not be as accurate as some of the other employee stats in this article.

The data states that the average annual salary of a General Manager for Walmart is $77,661/year, which is 32% above the national average.

According to Indeed’s data, this salary can go as high as $170,000/year and as low as $20,000/year.

An Area Manager has an average annual salary of $67,737/year, which is 8% above the national average.

This data comes from 84 job profiles.

Salaries for this position can get as low as $34,000/year and as high as $106,000/year.

As a quick note about the differences between these two positions, according to job postings on Indeed, General Managers assume responsibility for the entire store they’re assigned to while Area Managers are responsible for individual departments, such as Grocery, Electronics, Clothing, etc.

Source: Indeed

14. The average hourly rate of a Stocking Associate at Walmart is $16.13/hour

Indeed’s data on the Stocking Associate position at Walmart reveals an average hourly rate of $16.13/hour, which is 10% above the national average.

This data comes from 380 job profiles.

Depending on where the Stocking Associate lives, they may make as little as $8.15/hour and as high as $25.10/hour.

Stocking associates are in charge of bringing merchandise from storerooms and placing them on shelves for customers to access. This is done throughout normal operating hours to ensure merchandise remains stocked.

Source: Indeed

15. The Personal Shopper position at Walmart pays 24% below the national average

Indeed’s data on Walmart’s Personal Shopper position, which includes data from 733 job profiles, reveals an hourly rate that’s 24% below the national average.

According to the data, the average Personal Shopper at Walmart makes $15.21/hour on average.

The exact range extends from $7.25/hour to $23.35/hour.

Because Walmart now offers grocery delivery and pickup services, personal shoppers are in charge of gathering merchandise for customers and arranging them for pickup or delivery.

Source: Indeed

16. The average Walmart Warehouse Worker makes 24% above the national average

Indeed’s data on the Warehouse Worker position at Walmart has been collected from 175 job profiles.

They reveal an average pay rate of $19.11/hour, which is 24% above the national average.

The pay range for this position goes from $7.25/hour to $40.05/hour.

Before merchandise makes its way into a Walmart store, it’s stored in a local warehouse.

A Warehouse Worker is in charge of accepting merchandise from manufacturers, storing it and preparing it for shipment to a Walmart store.

Source: Indeed

Walmart theft statistics

17. Retailers lost $94.5 billion to retail shrink in 2021

The NRF conducts a retail survey and analysis of organized retail crime regularly.

The most recent survey was published in 2022 and details an analysis of retail shrink throughout the fiscal year 2021.

They discovered that retailers lost a total of $94.5 billion to retail shrink in 2021, which was up from 2020’s retail shrink of $90.8 billion.

They’ve also found the average shrink rate across the industry to be 1.4% consistently.

While Walmart doesn’t publish specific numbers on their own issues with retail shrinkage, at an average shrink rate of 1.4% and net sales of $605.9 billion, we estimate Walmart’s shrinkage for fiscal year 2022 to be around $8.48 billion.

Source: National Retail Federation Survey

18. Retailers saw a 26.5% increase on average of organized retail crime in 2021

Retail shrinkage is all part of a growing problem in the United States: organized retail crime (ORC).

ORC occurs when a group of two or more individuals commit theft on a large scale.

In December of 2022, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon told CNBC:

“Theft is an issue. It’s higher than what it’s historically been… If that’s not corrected over time, prices will be higher and/or stores will close.”

The NRF says ORC is now 26.5% higher on average.

They also found that eight out of 10 retailers witnessed an increase in violence and aggression associated with ORC.

Source: National Retail Federation Survey

19. External theft, excluding ORC, is a top priority for 74.1% of retailers

According to the NRF’s 2022 survey on ORC, 74.1% of retailers name “external theft” as being a top risk and threat priority they’re concerned about.

39.7% are somewhat more concerned about this while 34.5% are much more concerned.

Other top concerns cited in the survey include the following:

  • Guest-on-associate violence – A top priority for 77.6% of retailers (44.8% are somewhat more concerned; 32.8% are much more concerned).
  • Organized retail crime (ORC) – 70.1% of retailers (38%; 32.8%).
  • Cyber crimes – 58.6% of retailers (43.1%; 15.5%).
  • Mass violence/active assailants – 57.9% of retailers (28.1%; 29.8%).
  • Internal theft – 56.9% of retailers (36.2%; 20.7%).
19 retail federation risk priorities

Source: National Retail Federation Survey

20. Only 74.1% of retailers provide face-to-face risk mitigation training to new hires

In the NRF’s 2022 survey on ORC, the company asked retailers about the techniques they use to mitigate top retail risks and threats.

They discovered that only 74.1% of retailers provide face-to-face training for new hires.

Other than this type of training, the top training methods used by retailers include the following:

  • Code of Conduct – Used by 93.1% of retailers.
  • Anonymous telephone hotline program – 87.9% of retailers.
  • Active shooter training program – 84.5% of retailers.
  • Bulletin board notices/posters – 82.8% of retailers.
  • Internet/computer-based training videos – 79.3% of retailers.
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Source: National Retail Federation Survey


Final thoughts

The first Walmart store was opened by Sam Walton in 1962, and the company is still one of the biggest retailers in the United States today.

What started as a single store has grown into a global enterprise with more than 10,000 locations in over 20 countries.

In this post, we learned just how much of an influence Walmart has in the United States but also how Amazon, one of Walmart’s biggest competitors, may soon take them over as far as revenue is concerned.

And because Walmart is just as much of a powerhouse in the ecommerce industry as they are in traditional commerce, we’ve shared a few ecommerce-related posts we’ve published elsewhere on the blog below.

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