36 Latest LinkedIn Statistics For 2024: The Definitive List

LinkedIn Statistics

Whether you’re trying to find a new job, looking to hire a new team member, or you just want to stay up-to-date on the latest news in your industry, LinkedIn is a great place to start your search.

As the largest professional network in the world, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t heard of it — but how much do you really know about it?

In this article, we’ll take a look at the latest LinkedIn statistics.

How many people use LinkedIn? Who uses LinkedIn? Why should you use this platform? We’re answering all these questions and more.

Editor’s top picks – LinkedIn statistics

These are our most interesting statistics about LinkedIn:

  • LinkedIn has around 774+ million members worldwide. (Source: LinkedIn About Us)
  • Most LinkedIn users are aged between 25 and 34. (Source: Statista1)
  • 39% of users pay for LinkedIn Premium. (Source: Secret Sushi)

LinkedIn usage statistics

LinkedIn is known as a platform for professionals but there’s a lot more to learn about LinkedIn users. In this section, we’ll cover some LinkedIn statistics relating to usage and demographics

1. LinkedIn has around 774+ million members worldwide

LinkedIn is an ever-growing platform and is becoming particularly popular with younger generations of professionals. According to LinkedIn, there are over 700 million users worldwide and this figure has been growing year on year since the platform’s inception.

Source: LinkedIn About Us

2. LinkedIn is used by professionals in 200 different countries worldwide

Although LinkedIn is relatively popular in North and South America, it’s actually used in 200 countries across the globe. The platform is utilized by members in huge countries such as India, to small nations including Taiwan and Singapore. In order to cater to their vast user base, LinkedIn supports 24 different languages including English, Russian, Japanese, and Tagalog.

Source: LinkedIn About Us

3. 180 million people use LinkedIn in the USA

LinkedIn is most widely adopted in the USA. According to official LinkedIn statistics, US citizens make up 180 million of all LinkedIn users. Due to its popularity in the US, the majority of LinkedIn’s offices are based there, and they have around 9 locations across the United States.

LinkedIn in the USA

Source: LinkedIn About Us

4. 76 million people use LinkedIn in India

After the US, India has the highest number of LinkedIn members. With a population of around 1.3 billion, and an economy that’s been regarded as the fastest growing in the world, India is a hub for professionals looking to network and grow their businesses.

Source: LinkedIn About Us

5. Over 56 million LinkedIn users are based in China

China makes up over 50 million LinkedIn users. Despite the Chinese government often being strict when it comes to the adoption of western social media outlets, LinkedIn has risen to popularity in the country. Members can use LinkedIn to network domestically and also make connections with their foreign counterparts.

LinkedIn users

Source: LinkedIn About Us

6. Most LinkedIn users are aged between 25 and 34

LinkedIn is extremely popular with young professionals ages between 25 and 34. According to a survey carried out by Statista, 60% of LinkedIn users fall within this age range. For job seekers that have just left college and are looking to start a new career, LinkedIn is an essential platform for finding suitable opportunities.

LinkedIn Demographic

Source: Statista1

7. 37% of 30-49 years olds use LinkedIn

However, it’s not just young people that are just beginning their careers that use LinkedIn. 37% of all 30-49-year-olds in the US also use LinkedIn. LinkedIn can be useful for any age of professional, as it helps them to stay in touch with their own team, find new opportunities and stay up-to-date with industry news.

Source: Pew Research

8. 49% of LinkedIn users earn $75,000+ per year

In addition to being popular with young and middle-aged professionals, LinkedIn is also the platform of choice for high earners. According to a social media usage survey carried out by Pew Research, almost half of all LinkedIn users earn over $75,000 per year. This is great news for marketers looking to use the platform to generate leads and sales.

Source: Pew Research

9. 37% of millionaires are LinkedIn members

If you’re keen to get yourself on the super-rich list, signing up to LinkedIn could be the way to start. LinkedIn is the second most popular social media platform amongst the wealthy elite after Facebook.

According to Spectrem, 37% of the world’s millionaires have a LinkedIn profile. Perhaps their digital networking on the platform helped them to succeed. There’s no way to know this for sure, but it’s definitely worth giving it a try! 

Source: Spectrem

10. Half of all American college graduates use LinkedIn

According to Pew Research, American college graduates make up a big part of LinkedIn’s overall user base. Around 50% of US college graduates are LinkedIn members. With around 42% of Americans holding a college degree of some type, you can see why LinkedIn is such a popular social media platform in North America.

Source: Pew Research Social Media 2018

11. Over 90% of Fortune 500 companies use LinkedIn

When building a company, having a good LinkedIn presence is essential. It can help you to communicate with your team, hire new employees and build a good brand reputation online. Big companies understand the potential of using LinkedIn for business, which is why LinkedIn is the most popular social media platform amongst 92% of Fortune 500 companies.

LinkedIn presence

Source: Statista2

12. LinkedIn is more popular with males than females

According to information published by Statista, LinkedIn is more popular amongst men than women. However, the platform is fairly popular with both sexes. 56.9% of LinkedIn members are male, whereas 47% of LinkedIn members are female.

LinkedIn Popularity

Source: Statista3

LinkedIn jobs and recruitment statistics

LinkedIn is a great place to find jobs, hire new staff, and headhunt for experienced professionals in your industry.

LinkedIn accounts have become somewhat of a digital resume for professionals, and the jobs board makes it easy for people to find their perfect role. Here are some LinkedIn statistics relating to jobs and recruitment.

13. 40 million people use LinkedIn to search for jobs every week

LinkedIn is a go-to for many job hunters, and it’s become widely known as a place to find solid career opportunities. As we mentioned above, LinkedIn is favored by Fortune 500 companies, so when it comes to job hunting, LinkedIn has a good reputation as a place to find high-quality leads. 

As such, the LinkedIn job search function is extremely popular and is used by around 40 million people per week.

Source: LinkedIn About Us

14. 210 million jobs applications are submitted monthly

LinkedIn also makes it extremely easy for members to submit a job application using their platform. In many cases, users don’t have to leave the site in order to complete their applications and apply for their chosen roles.

Using LinkedIn streamlines the process, both for the applicants and the employers, so it’s no surprise that the number of monthly applications submitted exceeds 200 million.

Source: LinkedIn About Us

15. That’s around 81 job applications are submitted every second

If 210 million applications submitted each month didn’t seem like a lot, it certainly does when you break it down like this. Almost 100 job applications are fired off every second on LinkedIn, making it one of the best, and most competitive platforms for professionals to find work.

Source: LinkedIn About Us

16. 4 people are hired every minute on LinkedIn

In addition to the hoarded of prospective applicants, there are many job hunters finding their dream jobs each day on LinkedIn. According to LinkedIn statistics, approximately 4 people are hired each minute on the platform. That’s equivalent to just under 6000 people landing a new role each day. It’s this success rate and the constant listing of new jobs that make LinkedIn such a popular platform amongst job seekers.

Source: LinkedIn About Us

17. Over 8M people have used the LinkedIn #opentowork photo frame

LinkedIn runs a range of initiatives to facilitate companies in finding the right employees to join their team. One of these initiatives is the #opentowork photo frame. This feature allows individuals that are actively seeking new opportunities to notify their network about this.

Using the features adds a photo frame to their profile picture that says “open to work” that can be seen by people visiting that member’s profile. This is extremely useful to employers and employees, and as such it’s been used over 8M times.

Source: LinkedIn About Us

18. Over 75% of people who recently changed jobs used LinkedIn to inform their decision

One of the main benefits of LinkedIn is that you can learn more about companies and individuals before entering into a professional relationship with them.

According to statistics provided in a LinkedIn hiring report, 75% of people changing jobs used LinkedIn when making their decision. This shows why it’s just as important for businesses to have a positive LinkedIn presence as it is for employees.

Recently changed jobs

19. Employees sourced through LinkedIn are 40% less likely to leave their job in the first six months

Utilizing LinkedIn to find new employees can potentially lead to better pairings and less staff turnover. According to the LinkedIn statistics hiring report, employees that were hired using LinkedIn are less likely to leave their job within 6 months of being hired.

This is a testament to the benefits of recruiters and employees being able to learn more about each other before entering into a professional relationship.

Employees sourced

20. Over 20,000 companies in the US use LinkedIn to recruit

In the same way that LinkedIn is growing in popularity with employees, it’s also becoming an established recruitment channel for businesses.

As of March 2018, over 20,000 companies were using LinkedIn to recruit, and this number has only continued to increase. LinkedIn is fast gaining a reputation amongst businesses as being the place to find high-quality recruitment leads and highly-skilled employees.

Source: LinkedIn Workforce Report

LinkedIn advertising and revenue statistics

Thinking about advertising on LinkedIn? Here are some statistics about LinkedIn advertising and revenue that you need to know.

21. In 2021, LinkedIn made over $10 billion in revenue

LinkedIn’s annual revenue has been growing year on year. In 2010, it was just $243 million.

A decade later, it was at almost $8 billion. And in the fourth quarter of the 2021 fiscal year, it finally reached 11-figures and surpassed the 10B mark. That revenue is largely driven by advertiser dollars.

Source: LinkedIn About Us

22. 39% of users pay for LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn Premium is another big source of revenue for the platform, with more than a third of their user base paying for the service.

If you didn’t already know, LinkedIn Premium gives your LinkedIn account a boost by unlocking additional features like InMail messages and providing access to learning courses and additional insights. The average cost of a Linkedin Premium Membership is approx $72.

LinkedIn Premium

Source: Secret Sushi

23. LinkedIn Ads conversion rates are 3X higher than other major platforms

According to a range of studies, including one from LinkedIn marketing solutions, LinkedIn ads have high converting powers. With around 3X the conversion rate of other major platforms like Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn is a solid option for marketers.

However, LinkedIn has quite a specific audience, mainly professionals between 25 and 50, so be sure to consider this when planning your advertising strategy.

Source: LinkedIn Marketing Solutions1

24. LinkedIn ads made up for a ⅓ of revenue in 2020

In addition to revenue streams like LinkedIn premium, the platform also turns over a fair amount of revenue from advertising. According to a LinkedIn quarterly report, around 33% of revenue came solely from advertising and marketing in 2020.

LinkedIn ads

Source: LinkedIn Quarterly Advertising Monitor

LinkedIn marketing statistics

Finally, let’s take a look at some LinkedIn statistics related to marketing.

These stats tell us more about the ways in which marketers can use LinkedIn to reach new customers, generate leads, and get more views on their content.

25. LinkedIn Ads have a global reach of 663 million

That’s pretty impressive when you consider that it’s almost 10% of the global population. Of those 663 million potential customers, 160 million are located in the US, making the US the country with the largest LinkedIn advertising reach. India is the country with the second-largest LinkedIn reach at 62 million.

LinkedIn Ads global reach

Source: We Are Social/Hootsuite

26. 97% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for content marketing

Almost every B2B marketer uses LinkedIn as a content distribution platform, making LinkedIn the platform of choice for B2B content marketing. The reason why is clear: LinkedIn’s user base consists mainly of business leaders, decision-makers, and professionals — the kind of audiences B2B marketers want to reach.

Twitter is the next most popular platform for B2B content marketing at 87%, followed closely by Facebook at 86%.

B2B marketers

Source: The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn

27. 82% of B2B content marketers consider LinkedIn to be their most effective social media distribution platform

LinkedIn isn’t just the most popular content marketing platform for  B2B businesses — it’s also the most effective. In fact, 82% of marketers say that it’s their most effective distribution platform. Twitter was rated the second most effective with 67% of the votes, and Facebook trailed far behind at just 48%.

B2B content marketers

Source: The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn

28. 80% of LinkedIn users drive business decisions

The great thing about LinkedIn for B2B marketing is that its user base holds a lot of decision-making power compared to other platforms. 4 out of 5 LinkedIn users drive business decisions, which is significantly greater than any other social platform.

As B2B marketers, decision-makers are the people you most want to target with your marketing messages, as they’re the people who can make the call about whether or not to invest in your product. This makes them extremely valuable leads.

As such, developing a unique LinkedIn strategy would be a good idea if your target customers are on the platform. Publishing a diverse mix of content regularly would be essential to this. If you’re not sure what to post on LinkedIn, read our article on LinkedIn post ideas.

Source: LinkedIn Lead Generation

29. LinkedIn users have twice the buying power compared to the average web audience

For the same reason as above, LinkedIn users have a lot of buying power. Senior business leaders with decision-making power are often working with big corporate budgets and are able to invest those corporate dollars how they see fit. If you can target these users effectively, you can generate a lot of sales.

Source: LinkedIn Lead Generation

30. ‘Complete’ pages get 30% more weekly views

Still not filled out your profile on LinkedIn? Don’t delay any longer — it could be costing you views.

The stats show that pages that are completely filled out with all the relevant information — like job history, skills, social/website links, and a detailed summary — get 30% more views per week. Why? Because filling out your profile makes increases your visibility.

Weekly views

Source: The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn

31. Including links in your updates drives 45% higher engagement

When you post updates to your LinkedIn page, drop a relevant link in there. This not only helps to increase engagement by 45% on average, but it also provides a way for you to send valuable traffic to your most important business links.

Source: The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn

32. Content that gets shared by employees generates 2x greater engagement compared to content that only gets shared by a company

Such is the power of employee advocacy. Getting your employees to share your company posts on LinkedIn can supercharge your reach and help you to generate more engagement and better results. 

And what’s cool is that LinkedIn already provides all the tools you need to leverage the power of employee advocacy via the My Company tab. Your employees can use the tab to share posts curated by your marketing team and join in on the important conversations.

Source: The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn

33. 63% of marketers plan to use video on LinkedIn this year

If you thought LinkedIn was just for sharing articles and other text-based content, think again. As this statistic shows, many marketers are increasingly recognizing LinkedIn as a valuable video content distribution channel.

In fact, it’s already the third most widely-used video marketing platform, with 63% of marketing planning to use it this year. This is just short of Facebook (70%) and YouTube (89%). Interestingly, more marketers plan to use video on LinkedIn than on visual platforms like Instagram and dedicated video-sharing platform TikTok.

Source: Wyzowl

34. LinkedIn InMail messages have a 10-25% response rate

That’s 300% higher than regular email response rates. For some reason, LinkedIn users are much more likely to open and reply to messages on the platform than on email. This may be because email inboxes are often full of spam, which can make it harder for your email to cut through the noise and get noticed.

Source: LinkedIn Inmail

35. LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead gen compared to Twitter and Facebook

A HubSpot study found that LinkedIn traffic generates an average visitor-to-lead conversion rate of 2.74%, compared to just 0.77% on Facebook and 0.69% on Twitter. In other words, traffic from LinkedIn converts to leads much more often than on other platforms. This makes each visitor from LinkedIn significantly more valuable.

Source: HubSpot

36. LinkedIn feeds get 9 billion content impressions per week.

As this statistic shows, people don’t just come to LinkedIn to look for jobs, they come to engage with content too. In fact, feed content generates 15x as many impressions as job openings on the platform.

The upshot: if you’re not already publishing content to LinkedIn, you could be missing out on a ton of views.

Source: LinkedIn Marketing Solutions2

LinkedIn statistics sources

Final thoughts

That concludes our roundup of the latest LinkedIn statistics, facts, and trends. Hopefully, these stats have helped you to get a better idea of the current state of LinkedIn and how you can use it to meet your business goals.

As these statistics show, LinkedIn can be a great employee recruitment channel and a fantastic source of valuable leads for B2B businesses.

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