35+ Top Twitter Statistics For 2025 (Users, Demographics & More)

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Are you looking for the most important Twitter statistics? Or just trying to get an understanding of the state of Twitter?

In this post, we’ll be taking a deep dive into all of the Twitter statistics that matter.

The stats below will help you to get a better understanding of the state of Twitter this year and inform your strategy for the years ahead.

Editor’s top picks – Twitter statistics

These are our most interesting statistics about Twitter:

  • Twitter has 192 million monetizable daily active users. (Source: Twitter Global Impact Report 2020)
  • 38.5% of Twitter users are age 25 to 34. (Source: Statista3)
  • 97% of Twitter users focus on visuals. (Source: Twitter Agency Playbook)

Key Twitter statistics

Let’s kick things off by taking a look at some important Twitter statistics that provide an overview of just how popular and successful the platform is.

1. Twitter has 192 million monetizable daily active users…

Or MDAUs for short. By ‘monetizable’, we’re talking about only those accounts that are able to view advertisements on the platform.

The number of monetizable users is just over half the total number of users on the platform, which means a large portion of Twitter’s user base doesn’t contribute to ad revenue.

This data comes from the latest (at the time of writing) Global Impact report and is accurate as of Q4 2020.

Source: Twitter Global Impact Report 2020

2. …And 353 million total active users

This puts it only at about number 16 in a list of the top social platforms by users.

That’s right, if we’re just looking at total users, Twitter doesn’t even rank amongst the top 10 most popular social platforms. For comparison, Facebook has over 2.7 billion users – nearly 8x that of Twitter.

02 most used social media platforms

Source: Hootsuite

3. 52% of Twitter users in the US use the platform every day…

Twitter users seem to be fairly active. The majority check in at least once a day to get an overview of what’s happening in the world.

03 twitter users in the us

Source: Statista1

4. …And 96% use it at least once per month

The vast majority of Twitter users open the app at least once monthly, providing further evidence that Twitter has a very active, engaged user base.

Source: Statista1

5. Twitter generated over $3.7 billion in revenue in 2020

This is according to figures from the latest Global Impact report. The vast majority of that revenue comes from advertiser dollars, but some also come from data licensing and other revenue sources.

2020 seems to have been a particularly good year for the platform as revenue this year increased by more than $250 million from the year before.

This may have partly been driven by an uptick in users and time spent on social media brought about by the global pandemic.

05 time spent on social media

6. There are over 5,500 Twitter employees

These employees are spread across 35 offices in countries around the world.

Source: Twitter Global Impact Report 2020

Twitter user demographics

Next, let’s take a look at some Twitter user statistics. The stats below tell us more about who the people using Twitter are.

7. 38.5% of Twitter users are age 25 to 34

If we look at the global distribution of Twitter users by age, it’s clear that it’s a platform favored by Millenials.

38.5% of users are between the ages of 25 and 34 while a further 20.7% are age 35 to 49. This means the bulk of Twitter’s user base is in the 25 to 49 age range.

07 twitter users

Source: Statista3

8. 42% of Twitter users have a college degree or above

The average Twitter user is more well-educated than the national average. Only 31% of all Americans are college graduates, compared to 42% of Twitter users.

08 twitter users have a college degree

Source: Pew Research Center2

9. 41% of Twitter users earn $75,000+ per year

Not only are Twitter users more well-educated, but they also tend to earn more. 41% of users earn over 75k per year but only 32% of American adults can say the same.

Source: Pew Research Center2

10. The US has more Twitter users than any other country

There are roughly 73 million Twitter users in the US. Japan comes in second place, with 55.55 million users, India third at 22.1 million, and the UK fourth at 17.55 million.

What’s interesting about that is that, if we compare the number of Twitter users in each country to the total population of that country, it shows Twitter has comparatively much greater market penetration in tier-1 countries than in emerging/developing countries like India.

This is not equally true of other social platforms. For example, Facebook has more users in India than in any other country.

10 us has more twitter users

Source: Statista2

11. 68.5% of Twitter users are male

While only 31.5% are female. For some reason, Twitter reports a much less even gender distribution than other social networks and is clearly favored by men.

For comparison, 49% of Instagram users are female while 51% are men.

Source: We Are Social

Twitter usage statistics

Now we know who’s using Twitter, let’s take a look at how they’re using it. Here are some stats that shed some light on the ways in which Twitter users interact with the platform.

12. 79% of Twitter users follow brands

Unlike Facebook, where most users only interact with their friends and family, many Twitter users follow and engage with brands they like.

12 twitter users follow brands

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

13. 10% of Twitter users are responsible for 92% of Tweets

The average Twitter user doesn’t Tweet much – just once per month on average. However, a small group of the most highly active Twitter users Tweet 157 times every month, on average.

These are the influencers creating the cultural conversation.

13 influencers creating the cultural conversation

Source: Pew Research Center1

14. 71% of Twitter users get their news on the platform

This makes Twitter one of the most news-focused social platforms, alongside Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube.

14 twitter users get their news

Source: Pew Research Center3

15. The average Twitter user spends 3.53 minutes on the platform per session

That’s actually pretty low and puts Twitter behind competitor platforms like Facebook (4.82 minutes), Reddit (4.96 minutes), and even Tumblr (4.04 minutes).

TikTok is the runaway winner when it comes to average session duration, with the average user spending 10.85 minutes on the app.

15 platform per session

Source: Statista4

Twitter statistics for marketers

Planning on using Twitter to market your business? Here’s what you need to know first.

16. 82% of B2B content marketers use Twitter

This is based on data from the Content Marketing Institute and represents the number of marketers that used the platform for organic content marketing over a 12 month period.

Twitter ties with Facebook, which was also used by 82% of B2B marketers. Only LinkedIn was more popular – it was used by 96% of B2B marketers.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

17. Twitter drives 40% greater ROI than other social channels

ROI is often hard to calculate, especially when it comes to social media. However, according to Twitter Agency Playbook, Twitter is the clear winner when it comes to advertising ROI.

The statistics show that Twitter drives around 40% greater ROI than other platforms.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

18. People spend 26% longer viewing ads on Twitter than other social platforms

If you’re keen to ensure that your ad content is truly appreciated and consumed then Twitter may be the right platform for your campaign.

According to Twitter for business, people spend around a ¼ more time viewing Twitter ads than they do viewing ads elsewhere online.

18 social platforms

Source: Twitter for Business

19. Two-thirds of Twitter users influence their friends and family’s purchase decisions

Twitter’s advertising reach spans further than just its direct users. According to the Twitter Agency Playbook report, over 60% of Twitter users also influence the purchase decision of their close friends and family.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

20. Twitter users are around 1.5x more likely to be the first to buy new products

Twitter users are famously early adopters and like to try new things. Compared to the average online population they are 1.5x more likely to be the first to buy new products.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

21. Twitter users spend 2x more time looking at launch ads compared to other platforms

Twitter users are big consumers of launch ads and content for new products. They’re 2x more time looking at launch ads than they do on other social media platforms.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

22. You’re 2.3x more likely to meet your KPIs if you market new product launches on Twitter

As you can see, including Twitter in your launch plans is essential. Twitter users like to try new things, so it’s a great product discovery platform and place to market new releases.

22 market new product launches

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

23. Brand’s that spend more on Twitter are seen as more culturally relevant…

Research has uncovered an 88% correlation between Twitter spend and audience perceptions of a brand’s cultural relevance.

This makes sense, given Twitter’s place in the social space. It’s the definitive real-time public conversation platform and where brands go to build cultural relevance.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

24. …And brands that are more culturally relevant drive more revenue

Again, there’s another correlation here – 73% between cultural relevance and revenue. Therefore, it’s a useful platform for marketers and businesses looking to increase revenue, which is all of them, right?

24 culturally relevant drive more revenue

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

25. 97% of Twitter users focus on visuals

As this statistic shows, Twitter is a visual platform. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you’re including eye-catching visuals in your Tweets if you want to maximize engagement.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

26. Using Twitter Amplify drives 68% more awareness

Twitter Amplify allows marketers to monetize video content that can reach Twitter audiences on the large scale.

According to Twitter, Amplify can drive 68% more awareness as well as 24% more message association.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

27. Timeline Takeovers drive 3x more ad recall and awareness

Timeline takeovers are a type of mass-reach placements that put your autoplay video ads at the top of users’ timelines for 24-hours.

These ads are super-effective when it comes to building brand awareness and perform better than other types of Twitter ads.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

28. Trend Takeovers drive 3x better message association and 9x better favorability metrics

Like the above, this is a type of ad placement that ‘takes over’ the users tab. Trend takeovers place your ads alongside what else is trending at the top of the Explore tab. This type of ad is extremely effective when it comes to message association and favorability.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

29. Twitter is the top platform for brand interaction

If you’re looking to build a strong brand presence on social media and interact with your customers, Twitter is the place to do it.

According to the Twitter Agency Playbook report, Twitter is the #1 social media platform for consumer-brand interaction.

29 top platform for brand interaction

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

30. Twitter has seen a 35% year-over-year increase in global ad engagement

Twitter is becoming more and more popular with marketers thanks to high levels of ad engagement.

Engagement with ad campaigns on the platform has been increasing year-over-year at a rate of around 35% which makes it an extremely attractive option for marketers and businesses.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

Twitter publishing statistics

Twitter is popular with a wide range of demographics, and trending topics on the platform often vary wildly. Here are some Twitter statistics that shed some light on the kind of things users have been Tweeting about the last few years.

31. At least 500 million Tweets are sent every day

If you were curious, that’s about 6,000 Tweets per second, 350k a minute, or 200 billion per year.

This data from internet live stats was up to date in 2013, but Twitter usage has likely increased significantly since then. In fact, as I’m writing this, over 650m Tweets have been sent today.

31 tweets sent every day

Source: Internet Live Stats

32. The top hashtag of 2020 was #COVID19

Of course, the most used hashtag of 2020 was #COVID19, which was tweeted nearly 400 million times if you include close variations.

Other popular hashtags this year were also related to the pandemic, such as #StayHome which ranked 3rd. #BlackLivesMatter was the 2nd most tweeted hashtag of the year.

Source: Twitter 2020 Year in Review

33. There were 7,000 Tweets per minute about TV shows and movies in 2020

Twitter is popular with TV and film enthusiasts, with over 7,000 Tweets per minute being posted about TV and Movies in 2020.

Some of the most popular TV talking points in 2020 were Big Brother Brazil, Grey’s Anatomy, and of course, Tiger King!

33 tweets per minute

Source: Twitter 2020 Year in Review

34. Tweets related to cooking tripled in 2020

Lockdowns meant that more people were spending time at home, therefore a large proportion of the world’s population spent a lot more time in the kitchen than usual.

As Tweets relating to cooking triple, food, and beverage emojis were also used much more. The cupcake emoji, for example, was used 81 percent more in 2020.

Source: Twitter 2020 Year in Review

35. There were 700 million Tweets about elections in 2020

Politics is a big deal on Twitter and it’s often the platform of choice for world leaders, political thought leaders, and undecided voters.

Throughout 2020, there were over 700 million Tweets made about the US election, and US Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden were the first and second most tweeted about people worldwide.

Source: Twitter 2020 Year in Review

36. ???? was the most Tweeted emoji worldwide

Say what you will about the internet being a source of negativity, but emoji use tells a different story.

The smiley face with tears of joy emoji, aka known as the crying laughing emoji is the most used emoji on Twitter worldwide.

Source: Twitter 2020 Year in Review

37. The final Tweet from Chadwick Boseman’s account was the most liked and retweeted ever

Chadwick Boseman was the world-famous actor that played Black Panther in Marvel movies. The actor died tragically in 2020 after a long battle with terminal cancer.

His fans came out in force after his passing, and his final tweet became the most liked Tweet of all time, racking up over 7 million likes.

37 chadwick boseman's account

Source: Twitter 2020 Year in Review

38. 52% of all Tweets in 2020 came from Gen-Z users

According to Twitter Agency Playbook, over half of all Tweets in 2020 were published by Gen-Z users. Gen Z refers to anyone born between 1997 and 2012.

This shows that although Twitter has a wide range of users, it’s the younger generations that are the most vocal on the platform.

Source: Twitter Agency Playbook

Infographic: Twitter statistics & facts

We’ve condensed the most important stats and facts into this handy infographic.

Note: If you’d like to republish this infographic, save the infographic to your computer, upload to your blog and include a credit link back to this post.

twitter statistics and facts full

Twitter statistics resources

Final thoughts

As you can see from the statistics above, Twitter is a great platform for advertisers, businesses, and the average user. Hopefully, these Twitter statistics provide a more in-depth understanding of who uses Twitter and the current state of Twitter.

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